Elliptical Product Specifications
What USB type is compatible with Horizon Ellipticals?
The 7.0AE Elliptical has a USB Type A Port. The EX-59 Elliptical does not have a USB Port. Officially Standard-A co...
Elliptical Pre-Set Programs
All of our Ellipticals have pre-set programs. Included Programs: EX-59- Calories, Constant Watts, Intervals, Inter...
What are the Maximum User Weights for Ellipticals?
Please see the max user weight for our current units below. Unit Max User Weight EX-59 Elliptical 300 lbs 7....
What are Elliptical Ceiling Height Requirements?
To calculate a safe ceiling height for your elliptical, please add 18" to the height of the tallest household user.
What are Elliptical Electrical Requirements?
Most of our units run at a frequency of 60Hz requiring up to 120 volts of electrical power. They are not compatible ...
What are Elliptical Power Cord Lengths?
Power Cord/Adapter Lengths Horizon Unit Measurement in Inches EX-59 75.9 7.0 AE 75.9 ...
What are the Incline Ranges of Ellipticals?
Incline Ranges – Ellipticals Horizon Unit Range EX-59 N/A 7.0 AE 20 incline levels
What Does Incline Mean on Ellipticals?
What does the incline number on the fitness equipment mean? Is it the equivalent of incline grade on the road? In gen...
What is the Q-Factor on the 7.0 AE and EX-59 Ellipticals?
7.0 AE - Narrow Pedal Distance – This is a front drive elliptical trainer that has the pedals close together. This ...
Elliptical Resistance: Magnetic and Electronic
The magnetic motor has magnets near the flywheel that get closer or farther away to control the resistance while the ...