How Do I Fix EMI With My Console?

Article author
Horizon Fitness
  • Updated

PROBLEM: If the treadmill acts irregularly during a workout, there may be electromagnetic/cellular signal interference.
Symptoms of this kind of interference include the following:

  • Console display is flickering while belt is acting erratically (Slowing down, then speeding up while console display is flickering)
  • Console turns off completely and belt stops
  • Console turns off completely, but belt still runs. Engaging the emergency stop should stop the belt; resetting the emergency stop causes the belt to move while the console is off.
  • Console shows partial or incorrect numbers
  • Speed/incline may change on console without user input
  • May hear a repeating ticking/clicking sound from MCB
  • Console may turn off then back on


  1. Remove any device(s) from the reading rack and check if symptoms reoccur.
  2. Turn off the device’s cell network or place it in airplane mode.
  3. . T101 treadmills: If your software version starts with a 1, update to version 2.09. If their software version starts with a 9, update to version 9.02. A video of this process can be found here.

Click Here For a Video on Replacing the EMI filter

Affected model(s): PTM486, PTM486C, PTM734, PTM486B, PTM734B, PTM492, PTM492B,
PTM492D, PTM726, PTM726B, PTM1004, PTM1004B, PTM761



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