PROBLEM: If the treadmill acts irregularly during a workout, there may be electromagnetic/cellular signal interference.
Symptoms of this kind of interference include the following:
- Console display is flickering while belt is acting erratically (Slowing down, then speeding up while console display is flickering)
- Console turns off completely and belt stops
- Console turns off completely, but belt still runs. Engaging the emergency stop should stop the belt; resetting the emergency stop causes the belt to move while the console is off.
- Console shows partial or incorrect numbers
- Speed/incline may change on console without user input
- May hear a repeating ticking/clicking sound from MCB
- Console may turn off then back on
- Remove any device(s) from the reading rack and check if symptoms reoccur.
- Turn off the device’s cell network or place it in airplane mode.
- . T101 treadmills: If your software version starts with a 1, update to version 2.09. If their software version starts with a 9, update to version 9.02. A video of this process can be found here.
Click Here For a Video on Replacing the EMI filter
Affected model(s): PTM486, PTM486C, PTM734, PTM486B, PTM734B, PTM492, PTM492B,
PTM492D, PTM726, PTM726B, PTM1004, PTM1004B, PTM761
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