How do I Perform Routine Maintenance for my Elliptical?

Article author
Horizon Fitness
  • Updated

Click here for a video on General Horizon Elliptical Maintenance


Elliptical and Ascent Trainer Care and Maintenance

After each use:

  1. Turn off the elliptical by unplugging the power cord from the wall outlet.
  2. Wipe down the elliptical with a damp cloth. Never use solvents, as they can cause damage to the elliptical.
  3. Inspect the power cord. If the power cord is damaged, contact Horizon Fitness
  4. Make sure the power cord is not underneath the elliptical or in any other area where it can become pinched or cut.

After each week:

  1. Clean underneath the elliptical, following these steps:
  2. Turn off the elliptical by unplugging the power cord from the wall outlet.
  3. Move the elliptical to a remote location.
  4. Wipe or vacuum any dust particles or other objects that may have accumulated underneath the elliptical.
  5. Return the elliptical to its previous position.

After each month:

  1. Inspect all assembly bolts and pedals on the machine for proper tightness.
  2. Clean any debris off of the pedal arm wheels and guide rails.

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